Rūrū Parirau taking flight

Rūrū Parirau provides an opportunity for some of our well known marae champions to lead a conversation about alcohol. A webinar including six digital stories will feature Marae discussing the value of tikanga Māori in helping shape the future and underpinning safe behaviours when it comes to alcohol, including the normalisation of alcohol free spaces […]
Piki Thomas & Whānau Ora

Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective and Healthy Families Rotorua would like to thank Ngāti Pikiao leader Piki Thomas for his incredible contribution to the nearly 20,000 Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency’s Hygiene Packs. Since the beginning of Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown, Piki who is also the National Māori Advisor to the New Zealand Fire Service has […]

Te Arawa Māngai Nui Ūpoko Tūtakitaki is a well-known proverb with pūrākau or historical accounts supporting the term used to describe a unified and determined Te Arawa tribe. The underpinning philosophy above is a Māori systems return approach adapted to guide and create Te Arawa COVID-19; a collaboration of marae, hapū and organisations across the […]

Te Arawa COVID-19 are united on the ground with Whānau Ora’s Waiariki network distribution of 2,000 hygiene packs to vulnerable whānau last week. Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective are responsible for the packs and the distribution to families on the regional network, which includes Rotorua, Te Kaha, Ōpotiki, Whakatane, Tauranga, Taupo and Tūrangi. Whānau Ora […]

He mihi tēnei ki ngā kapa katoa i takahia nei te papa whakataetae ā rohe o Te Arawa i ngā rangi whakatā! Healthy Families Rotorua would like to congratulate all groups and performers who took the Te Arawa Regionals stage at the weekend. A total of 21 teams and around 800 performers, including eldest performer […]
Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Te Arawa

Just over two years ago Healthy Families Rotorua facilitated the development of the community of practice now known as Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Te Arawa. A community of practice is a group of people with a common interest, with a common goal of improving by sharing experiences. The group is made up of experts and practitioners […]
Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau

Healthy Families Rotorua are set to showcase the value proposition of Māori Systems Return at this year’s Toi Tangata Hui ā Tau. Rotorua promotes the application of Māori systems return, that enables community champions to drive innovation leading to sustainable solutions for overall health and wellbeing. The approach normalises traditional Māori practices and frameworks to […]
He Tangi mō Ngaroma Grant

Tākiri ko te ata ki runga o Matawhau. Ko te tau i ahau tēnei ka ora mai. Hoki mai e hine kia whakairia koe ki te kapu o te ringa, nāku i tuku atu… Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective and Healthy Families Rotorua continue to lament the loss of a dear friend and leader. Ngaroma […]
Ka Pai Kai Rotorua Making Impact

“We’re providing food with no profit. We’re providing food so that people can be nourished by it, not so we can make money off it and that’s the key difference.” Jasmin Jackson, Ka Pai Kai Rotorua Chairperson KA PAI KAI ROTORUA SCALES UP TO MEET HUGE DEMAND School’s back and Ka Pai Kai Rotorua are […]
Maramataka, a prevention pathway

Recently, Healthy Families Rotorua featured in the Sunday Star Times for its work in enabling the Māori system, Maramataka. The in-depth article has a focus on local and national champions, showcasing the work they are doing to return this traditional system and re-applying it into a modern day context. A traditional Māori system that aligns daily […]