Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective and Healthy Families Rotorua would like to thank Ngāti Pikiao leader Piki Thomas for his incredible contribution to the nearly 20,000 Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency’s Hygiene Packs.
Since the beginning of Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown, Piki who is also the National Māori Advisor to the New Zealand Fire Service has been involved in leading more than 80 volunteers to complete the packaging of a total of 19,200 Whānau Ora Hygiene Packs which have been delivered to whānau across the Waiariki region.
Project Lead for Waiariki Whānau Ora Hygiene Packs and Healthy Families Rotorua manager Mapihi Raharuhi says, “Piki has displayed Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective’s mātāpono or organisational values which are based around respect, caring for and looking after our whānau and communities.”
“Piki’s ability to remain calm and solution focussed during Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown and consequent move to Covid-19 Level 3 has been an absolute asset during this project. His support for community led responses shows the values of good leadership and a strong understanding of local community.”
The distribution of these packs is also part of a wider response plan and a collaboration for significant impact called Te Arawa COVID-19.
Te Arawa COVID-19 is a collaboration of marae, hapū and organisations across the Te Arawa region to support our people and communities through the current pandemic and state of emergency.
Growing Sustainable Practices
Healthy Families Rotorua’s Nau Mai e Ngā Hua sustainable gardening workshops are connecting people with the whenua through practical, hands-on learning. In a world of