Ōhinemutu wild garden
What was once a swamp at the mouth of the Utuhina stream, is now a maara kai in Ōhinemutu providing sustenance for the community and local wildlife. Kaitiaki of Maraeroa Mahinga Kai, Lani Kereopa (Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Tarawhai, Ngāti Wahiao), says the Rika, Werahiko and Tahiwi whānau whakapapa to the whenua. She says when her […]
Proposed Water Services Bill
Healthy Families Rotorua continues to encourage community voices to make submissions to the proposed Te Taumata Arowai – Water Services Bill. Manager for Healthy Families Rotorua Mapihi Raharuhi says, “Healthy Families Rotorua works in health prevention and we champion a collective impact approach – which means when we are looking at wai or water, we […]