Filming took place last week on a series of videos being created for Healthy Families Rotorua’s Ruru Parirau kaupapa to reduce alcohol-related harm.
Systems innovator, Teteira Ormsby, says the videos will tell positive stories about the relationship between Māori and alcohol to help re-balance damage from long-standing stereotypes. Ruru Parirau research reveals how negative stereotyping of Māori and alcohol by the media exacerbates the harm by creating false perceptions.
“Stereotyping can lead to inequitable outcomes for Māori seeking help in the health system. The serious damage happens when people believe the false stereotypes about themselves are true, even if they’re not. The aim of Ruru Parirau is to recalibrate that,” says Teteira.
The videos feature three Māori men as they share their stories of the negative impact alcohol has had on their lives. However, they will also highlight pivotal moments when they changed the narrative and are now leading positive lives, and become champions of the kaupapa.
Teteira says while there are places that breed negative cultures and where antisocial behaviours thrive, the main focus of Ruru Parirau is about Māori regaining control of our own narratives.
“A lot of the information we’ve gathered has shown that people get into destructive lifestyles or patterns and can’t find their way out. A lot of it is modelled behaviour, which has happened through generations – whether through family members, club culture, or environments.
“Our champions are sharing their stories to prove there are other models that have worked out well for them. We’re hoping these stories will provide hope, inspiration, and confidence that it’s not all doom and gloom,” says Teteira.