Waikawa rejuvenation

Rejuvenating physical and mental wellbeing, whakawhanaungatanga, and wānanga for whānau is at the fore of the Waikawa Restoration Project. Healthy Families Rotorua systems innovators, Stevee Wikiriwhi and Teteira Ormsby, have joined forces with GNS Science, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Parakore, Māori Land Court, and iwi to regenerate the geothermal waters of the Rotokawa baths […]

Waitawa Restoration Project

Waitawa Stream is on its way to becoming a healthy habitat where freshwater plants and animals can flourish. The Waitawa Restoration Project is a collaboration of local leaders and experts in the environmental space who are working together to revitalise the mauri of the former thriving stream in the eastern suburbs of Rotorua. Healthy Families […]

Taonga puoro helping COPD

Taonga puoro (Māori musical instruments) are proving to be effective tools in reducing respiratory issues for Māori men. Rotorua Smokefree Partnership Group reconvened for the year with a presentation to the group from health mentor and taonga puoro advocate, Sam Runga. Sam shared his story on how he could better manage his chronic obstructive pulmonary […]

New sleep survey

Healthy Families Rotorua is seeking Te Arawa perspectives on sleep through a new survey released today. The Te Arawa Sleep strategy is a kaupapa Māori approach to strengthening mental resilience in the community by improving sleep quality. The strategy will be iwi-led and inspired by Te Arawa mātauranga and lived voice through co-design and collaboration […]

The year that was 2022

The incredible energy of maramataka and Matariki has inspired 2022 for Healthy Families Rotorua. Healthy Families Rotorua manager, Jenny Kaka-Scott, says key outcomes achieved this year celebrated the revitalisation of mātauranga Māori and traditional practices. “Our team has shown evidence of scaling up early Healthy Families’ prototypes. Empowered by last year’s successful Te Hekenga-ā-Rongo maramataka […]

Piki Maunga Crew trek Tongariro

Hoki atu ki tōu maunga kia purea ai e koe ki ngā hau o Tāwhirimātea.Return to your mountain to be cleansed by the winds of Tāwhirimātea. While weather conditions influenced the path we took, our Piki Maunga crew’s spirits were lifted in the wairua-enhancing atmosphere of the Tongariro Crossing at the weekend. Piki Maunga is […]

Te Arawa stories and cycling

Te Arawa stories will be at the fore of a new activation to get more people walking and biking on the city’s shared footpaths and roads.

Matariki kūmara planting

Healthy Families Rotorua is working with Kai Rotorua to plant a special maara Matariki for the city’s official umu kohukohu whetū next year. Lead systems innovator, Pirihira Whata, says the garden will be established at Te Puea Orchard with traditional kūmara varieties, such as hutihuti and taputini, and will be used as hautapu (offerings) for […]

Māori voice in Council strategy

Mariana and her father, Fred Vercoe, at a community wānanga. Healthy Families Rotorua has facilitated engagement with local iwi to ensure a new Council strategy has a strong cultural foundation. Systems innovator, Mariana Vercoe, has been involved in a collaboration with Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC) and other key stakeholders to provide a Māori insight on […]

Gold whetū for Matariki

Rotorua’s Matariki celebration at Motutara Point last month has received a gold star from Te Arawa kōeke. Healthy Families Rotorua lead systems innovator, Pirihira Whata, says the umu kohukohu whetū was hailed a success by kōeke at a recent follow-up hui with the event’s organising committee. She says overall, everyone was pleased with how the […]