Rūrū Parirau provides an opportunity for some of our well known marae champions to lead a conversation about alcohol.
A webinar including six digital stories will feature Marae discussing the value of tikanga Māori in helping shape the future and underpinning safe behaviours when it comes to alcohol, including the normalisation of alcohol free spaces in our communities.
Jenny Kaka-Scott for Healthy Families Rotorua says, “Central to the kaupapa are those marae people that take on roles of authority and leadership like our marae trustees or marae committee chairs. Along with the authority comes the huge responsibilities associated with rangatira and tūpuna of their whānau, hapū, iwi and marae.”
Rūrū Parirau is about Māori voices being in control of the Māori narrative and telling our own stories. When it comes to alcohol, many marae are at the forefront of managing alcohol in ways that utilise collective responsibility.

The filming of these Rūrū Parirau interviews is based at Rotowhio Marae, Te Puia NZMACI.
Te Arawa marae – Paratehoata, Tarimano, Taharangi, Kearoa, Otaramarae and Taheke are at the heart of Rūrū Parirau, sharing what insights and learnings they recognise as key aspects needed to drive change.
“The research provided by the work of Maynard, Wright and Brown gave a clear recommendation when it came to working to reducing alcohol harm. Rūrū Parirau is exactly that, it’s about shaking off negative stereotypes and providing positive narratives to encourage positive change” says Kaka-Scott.
Rūrū Parirau is led by Healthy Families Rotorua in partnership with Health Promotion Agency and in collaboration with Te Arawa Whānau Ora, Toi Te Ora, Hāpai Te Hauora, Lakes District Health Board, Arataua Media and Te Puia NZMACI.
Healthy Families Rotorua’s Strategic Leadership Group supports the intent of Rūrū Parirau which launches its series at the end of this month.